I finally had the inspection today at 8 am. I drove to the same office early in the morning without rain this time. The inspector was an old car hobbyist too so we chatted about my project while he checked the fixes. The driver side hand brake was still a bit weak but otherwise everything was fine. I had also noted that the steering was now much better than before. Perhaps I could tighten the steering box screw just a hint.
As all the mandatory systems were OK, the inspection passed! We filled the papers, I payed for the inspection and they handed me the plates!
I checked from my papers that I had bought the car in 12. of August, 2009. So it had taken me and my friend little over two years to get this Corvette back on the road. Wow, I bet I could have gotten an easier project with the money I had spent on this car but at least I now knew almost every system in the car inside and out. And had learned a lot! :)
One problem appeared when I got home and started to install the plates. Even though I had short, five character plates, it would not fit to the front slot. I'll have to call the inspection office on monday to see if I can get an even smaller plate.
Hopefully I have at least a few sunny days left to enjoy the car before winter. Then I can pull it apart again and start cleaning all the parts that I don't like and maybe even get a few more horsepower from the engine somehow. Oh, and I also need to lower the front of the car. And change the valve covers to cleaner ones. And put the door cards in. And order the rest of the interior from somewhere...
For now, I'll just drive it a few days :)
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