Monday, June 6, 2011

Travel Preparations

As it was, we didn't have time to weld all the holes in the driver side floor when the car was at my friends garage. The plan was that I would do everything I could alone and drive the car to my friend for the rest of the welds.

There still was some work to do before I dared to drive the Corvette. I fixed some of the electrics and got all of the lights working by changing some lamp sockets and cleaning the connectors. After some fiddling the brakes worked again too. Then all that remained was to replace some hoses, change the oil and put some of the interior together.

In the beginning of July 2010 I was finally ready and took a short test drive. The car was really noisy as all the parts were not tight yet but at least it worked for about 30km. The back of the car was so low, that the exhaust hit the ground in some bumps. This also severed one of the joints so I had to reconnect it two times.

One more serious issue did appear. The engine temperature rose pretty high while driving. It went close the boiling point but I stopped to cool before that. I was not sure if this was caused just by a misreading from the new temperature sensor or if the engine was really overheating...

Couple of days later it was time to drive the 150km to my friends place. And I quickly learned that we had just started scratching the surface of the problems in this car...

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